Level One: Novice or Beginner (Untrained):
As a beginner, you will require the Entire Set. This will instruct you in all Medical Transcription work types, provide you with all of the templates you will need (which can be reused by you with your own future clients), and will then offer practice with our many interesting digital dictations for each work type. We also provide in this set, key transcription elements in the Medical Transcription Productivity Module which will give instruction and codes for thousands of AutoCorrect codes (9,400 codes) for your computer.
This set also provides you, the beginner, with our recommended textbook, Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy (which will teach you medical words and terminology), our MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals text, and of course your foot pedal.
The MTP Fundamentals text provides you with all of the course particulars such as what is transcription and why do we need it, how to transcribe, how you can transcribe quickly and accurately, how to load templates, how to modify or tweak your MSWord program for optimal transcription, how to install and use your foot pedal (which is used to start and stop the dictations while you transcribe) as well as resume samples, and record keeping samples. The MTP Fundamentals text also includes a 10,000+ word medical dictionary on USB flash drive with instructions on installing this into your computer. A Transcriptionist must have an up-to-date medical dictionary. The MTP Fundamentals text also instructs you on how to set up your office and computer to optimally learn transcription and provides tips on how to “work smart”.
Level One Entire Set Itemization:
This set provides the beginner with instruction in Transcription Fundamentals along with instructions on digital voice files; Productivity, Spellcheck and AutoCorrect instruction; and you will learn medical terminology utilizing the accompanying recommended textbook. We then provide detailed instructions and interesting digital dictations for each and every work type known in transcription. (This is the same set of nine training modules made available through private vocational/training schools who have included our modules in their course offerings.)
This set includes the MTP Fundamentals text, Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy text, and your foot pedal. The entire set is offered to you for $989.00 (Over $650.00 savings.)
Please click on the following links to see a thorough listing of the areas covered in the MTPractice Fundamentals Text and all of the report types you will learn including all of the medical specialty areas covered in the set. You will receive training in all known transcription work types which are provided as a part of the complete set in the order as listed. See inside the book: Click any of the following links for the details:
MTPractice Fundamentals Index 001 MTPractice Fundamentals Index 002
MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 01 of 04 MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 02 of 04
MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 03 of 04 MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 04 or 04
Learn (or brush up on) your Medical Terminology (the MTMIE textbook is included in the complete set): Our research has shown that using this textbook is the easiest and fasted way for you to learn medical terms so we have made this part of our training.
- Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy (MTMIE): This is a write-in text (similar to the “Dummies” series of books) covering key concepts in medical terminology, body structure, skeletal system, muscular system, integumentary system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, urinary system, reproductive system, neurological system, endocrine system, lymphatic and immune system, and sensory system, with cancer terminology appendices and commonly used medical abbreviations section with end of chapter quizzes with 677 self-test questions and answers. “No more rote memorization of words and terms! Readers find a complete, easy-to-understand breakdown as well as entertaining puzzles and activities that speed learning and eliminate frustration. Covers medical terminology including commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and root words used in medical terms covering anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and medical terms describing treatments, diagnostic tests, and more for every major body system, cancer, mental health and pharmacology, and an index.” (Approximately $50.00 through Amazon or your local bookseller BUT included in this set at no extra charge ISBN-10: 0781788455 or ISBN-13: 978-0781788458) We suggest the student follow the study schedule and instructions provided in the MTP Fundamentals text for optimum results.
- To transcribe you will ONLY be able to use the most recent IN-USB-2 Pedal (approximate cost $75.00) which we have INCLUDED in this set at no extra charge. We purchase these foot pedals from a very reputable company who has been around for years and who manufacturers these heavy-duty foot pedals, AltoEdge (altoedge.com/pedals/vec-infinity-foot-pedals.html). We do not resell any foot pedals for profit. Later on you may choose to purchase an additional foot pedal (maybe to have on hand as a backup or for a second computer) or you may purchase quality headsets directly from AltoEdge if you so desire using the above website.
Order The Entire Set:
Click this Add to Cart button to order the entire MT Practice Transcription Training set as listed above. Discounted price $989.00
(You save over $650.00 by purchasing the set rather than everything separately.)
+ + +
Order Only The Beginner Bundle:
You may only want to purchase the medical textbooks (Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy and the MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals text) and the USB-2 foot pedal. This selection is for those who may need medical terminology or transcription instruction (or refresher instruction) or who may be presently working in transcription but want to venture out on their own and need guidance and their own equipment (or who may have been using an employer-supplied foot pedal).
Click the Add to Cart button below to order the MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals, the Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy textbook and the USB-2 foot pedal as a bundle for $199.00.
+ +
Order only the MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals (MTPF) textbook – This is the cornerstone of your training.
This module provides very detailed information about Medical Transcription, customizing the keyboard for optimum productivity, optimal use of MSWord for Transcription, installing and using the transcriber, modifying/remapping MSWord function keys for optimal productivity and includes the suggested study schedule. This also contains instructions for keyboard modifications for those with lower extremity disability to eliminate foot pedal activation. This text must be completed prior to advancing onto any work type modules. This module additionally includes the MTP Spellcheck Custom Dictionary (10,000 +/- words) with instructions for installation and use.
Open the book and find:
> Total instruction pages: 120.
> This is an instructions only module covering nearly all aspects of Transcription (not including work types).
> This module provides the suggested course schedule and instructions for utilizing the MTP Training Modules.
> This module covers tips & tricks for the Transcriptionist, and keyboard customization for optimum productivity.
> This module provides instructions on the installation of the work type templates and transcriber instructions.
> This module provides keyboard remapping instructions for lower extremity disabilities to eliminate foot pedal.
> Included is the MTP Custom Spellcheck Medical Dictionary (appr. 10,000+/- medical words (245 printed pages).
> The MTP Custom Dictionary is also provided on USB flash drive with instructions for installation.
Of note: The MTP Custom Dictionary upgrades the standard MSWord dictionary to a medical word dictionary which is required in transcription. The MTPF provides an excellent overview of Medical Transcription and our training and will help you “get your feet” wet so to speak. Any and all of our products are available but if you want to see if Transcription is for you, we suggest you sample by starting with the MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals text alone.
We realize purchasing the entire set may be a sizable investment for some, so if you want to see what MT is all about with only a minimal investment on your part or purchase this textbook as a phenomenal gift for someone, we offer the MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals at a reduced, introductory rate.
Purchase MTP Transcription Fundamentals text alone for $99.00 using the Add to Cart button below:
Of Special Note:
You may be entitled to cost reimbursement through your employer, your State Unemployment (retraining) Division, Federal Workforce Investment Training Act or under the Military Spouse Training Fund although we do not process these reimbursements for you. The following is an interesting article entitled: United States Department of Defense, Medical Transcription Field Follows Military Spouse Moves: http://archive.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=32890 You may also be entitled to a deduction on your Federal or State Taxes as an employment-related educational expense. We suggest you check with your tax advisor.