Level One:  Novice or Beginner (Untrained):  Entire Set Details

For this level we provide instruction in Transcription Fundamentals; instruction in digital voice files; Productivity, Spellcheck and AutoCorrect instruction; and you will learn medical terminology utilizing the accompanying text.  We provide detailed instructions and interesting digital dictations for every work type.  This is the same set of nine training modules that is available through private vocational/training schools who have included our modules in their course offerings.

Detailed Breakdown:  Level One, For The Novice or Beginner, Contains:
  • Seven Work Type Instruction Manuals including:  (1) History and Physical Examination: (2) Consultations; (3) Operative Reports and Procedure Notes; (4) Discharge Summaries and Psychiatric Practice; (5) Tests, Biopsies, and Studies; (6) Basic Medical Records; and (7) Independent Medical Examination and Workers’ Compensation Disability Reports.
  • The MT Practice Fundamentals Module is an instruction-only module covering nearly all aspects of Medical Transcription other than specific report work type instruction. This module covers tips and tricks for the new Transcriptionist, keyboard customization for optimum productivity, instructions on installing work type templates, and transcriber installation instructions. This module provides F-key remapping instructions for those with lower extremity disabilities and/or foot pedal installation instructions. Included is the MTP Custom Spellcheck Medical Dictionary on USB flash containing approximately 10,000 medical words (245 printed pages).  The MT Practice Fundamentals must be completed prior to advancing onto any work type modules.
  • The Productivity Module contains 25+/- Total AutoCorrect instruction pages with over 9,400+/- AutoCorrect expansion macros provided on USB flash (299 printed pages of AutoCorrect codes). You receive detailed explanation as to what an AutoCorrect macro is, how to create from present or future work, how to utilize macros provided, and how to edit existing macros to suit your purpose. An accompanying USB flash drive contains all of the AutoCorrect macros (amounts to 299 +/- pages printed) as well as an AutoCorrect.zip file for upload of the AutoCorrect codes into your Word program.
  • All seven work type modules combined total 433 Practice dictations, grand total of 1099 transcribed pages.
  • All seven work type modules combined total 32 hours dictation, equating to 96 hours of transcription practice. Standard transcription ratio is 1:3. Every one hour of dictation requires three hours to transcribe.
  • Entire set purchase includes (at no extra charge) the MT Practice Benchmark End-of-Session Tests and self-scored answer sheets.
  • Cover is frosted acetate for front cover, black heavyweight back cover; both chosen for greater durability.
  • Quality plasticoil * binding allowing the manuals to be opened and lie flat for greater ease of use.  (*Plastic coiled binding, not comb binding.)
  • Instructions and hard copies are printed on 60 lb offset paper.  This is a very good quality, long-lasting paper chosen for easy readability. 
  • Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy, MT Practice Transcription Fundamentals, and the USB-2 Foot Pedal are included in this set with instructions on installation and usage.

Please click on the following links to see a thorough listing of the areas covered in the MTPractice Fundamentals Text and all of the report types you will learn including all of the medical specialty areas covered in the set.  You will receive training in all known transcription work types which are provided as a part of the complete set in the order as listed.  Look inside the book: Click any of the following links for the details:

MTPractice Fundamentals Index 001                                  MTPractice Fundamentals Index 002

MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 01 of 04                      MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 02 of 04

MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 03 of 04                      MTP Reports and Specialties, Page 04 or 04

Learn (or brush up on) your Medical Terminology (MTMIE textbook is included in the complete set):  Our research has shown that using this textbook is the easiest and fasted way for you to learn medical terms so we have made this part of our training. 

Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy (MTMIE):  This is a write-in text (similar to the “Dummies” series of books) covering key concepts in medical terminology, body structure, skeletal system, muscular system, integumentary system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, urinary system, reproductive system, neurologic system, endocrine system, lymphatic and immune system, and sensory system, with cancer terminology appendices and commonly used medical abbreviations section with end of chapter quizzes with 677 self-test questions and answers.  “No more rote memorization of words and terms!  Readers find a complete, easy-to-understand breakdown as well as entertaining puzzles and activities that speed learning and eliminate frustration. Covers medical terminology including commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and root words used in medical terms covering anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and medical terms describing treatments, diagnostic tests, and more for every major body system, cancer, mental health and pharmacology, and an index.”  (Approximately $50.00 through Amazon or your local bookseller BUT included in this set at no extra charge)  ISBN-10: 0781788455  or ISBN-13: 978-0781788458.  We suggest the student follow the study schedule and instructions provided in the MTP Fundamentals text for optimum results.

To transcribe you will ONLY be able to use the most recent IN-USB-2 Pedal (approximate cost $75.00) which we have INCLUDED in this set at no extra charge.  We purchase these foot pedals from a very reputable company who has been around for years and who manufacturers these heavy-duty foot pedals, AltoEdge (altoedge.com/pedals/vec-infinity-foot-pedals.html).  We do not resell any foot pedals for profit.   Later on you may choose to purchase an additional foot pedal (maybe to have on hand as a backup or for a second computer) or you may purchase quality headsets directly from Altoedge if you so desire using the above website.

Click this Add to Cart button to order the entire MT Practice Transcription Training set as listed above.  Discounted price $989.00 (You save over $650.00 by purchasing the set rather than everything separately.)

                    Entire Set Larger + flash drive+  MTMIE + footpedal

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